
2016年2月14日 星期日

Leadership BS: Fixing Workplaces and Careers One Truth at a Time

Leadership BS: Fixing Workplaces and Careers One Truth at a Time
Book by Jeffrey Pfeffer

Finalist for the 2015 Financial Times and McKinsey Business Book of the Year
Best business book of the week from Inc.com
The author of Power, Stanford business school professor, and a leading management thinker offers a hard-hitting dissection of the leadership industry and ways to make workplaces and careers work better.
The leadership enterprise is enormous, with billions of dollars, thousands of books, and hundreds of thousands of blogs and talks focused on improving leaders. But what we see worldwide is employee disengagement, high levels of leader turnover and career derailment, and failed leadership development efforts.
In Leadership BS, Jeffrey Pfeffer shines a bright light on the leadership industry, showing why it’s failing and how it might be remade. He sets the record straight on the oft-made prescriptions for leaders to be honest, authentic, and modest, tell the truth, build trust, and take care of others. By calling BS on so many of the stories and myths of leadership, he gives people a more scientific look at the evidence and better information to guide their careers.
Rooted in social science, and will practical examples and advice for improving management, Leadership BS encourages readers to accept the truth and then use facts to change themselves and the world for the better.


Why Inspiration and Fables Cause Problems and Fix Nothing
Why Leaders Arent
Should Leaders Tell the Truthand Do They?
Why Leaders Eat First
You Can Handle the Truth
About the Author

踢爆「領導力」迷思 這些祕訣不會讓你變領導人


好書推薦/踢爆「領導力」迷思 這些祕訣不會讓你變領導人

作者:吳怡靜 2016-02-02 天下雜誌591期

這是一本自家人出來「踢館」的企管新書。英文書名「領導都是廢話」(Leadership BS)直接了當點出,今天的領導力產業非常失敗,因為大家都搞錯了重點。






- See more at: http://www.cw.com.tw/article/article.action?id=5074450#sthash.KD77GM4w.dpuf

