
2015年2月4日 星期三

Apple: iThrone/iFortune: Apple ,最賺錢公司

Never before has so much money been made by a single firm in such a short period of time. On January 27th Tim Cook, the boss of Apple, announced that it had made $18 billion in its latest fiscal quarter. Apple is the world’s largest company by market capitalisation as well as its most profitable. Strikingly, it has risen to greatness using a rather old-fashioned business model: selling highly desirable objects at fat gross margins http://econ.st/1zCIXqO

季賺0.56兆 蘋果 地表最賺錢公司

iPhone 上季熱銷7446萬支創新高 大中華營收暴增7成

【陳冠穎╱綜合外電報導】iPhone 6熱銷,上季總銷量年增46%創新高達7446.8萬支,加上大中華區營收暴增7成,推升蘋果(Apple)上季(年度第1季,2014年10~12月)營收、純益雙創新高、超越預期,純益180億美元(5639億台幣),刷新全球企業獲利紀錄,使蘋果成為地表最賺錢的上市公司。



蘋果執行長庫克(Tim Cook)說:「若非外匯劇烈波動,我們的業績還會更強勁。」蘋果財務長馬斯特里(Luca Maestri)承認上季營收因強勢美元影響減少4個百分點,本季雖已經加強避險,但營收成長估仍因此削減5個百分點。
蘋果業績成長強勁,大幅淡化匯率波動衝擊。上季中國iPhone銷量雖未超越美國,但Canalys數據顯示,蘋果上季已超越小米、三星(SAMSUNG),躍居中國智慧手機市場龍頭。Creative Strategies分析師巴哈林(Ben Bajarin)預估,本季在農曆新年加持之下,iPhone中國銷量可望輕鬆超越美國。 


不過,分析師擔心蘋果過度依賴單一產品,上季iPad銷量年減18%至2141.9萬台,麥金塔電腦(Mac)銷量也僅年增14%。BGC Partners分析師吉里斯(Colin Gillis)表示,隨著全球智慧手機市場成長放緩,蘋果若過度仰賴iPhone,可能會帶來問題。研究機構IDC數據顯示,2012年全球智慧手機銷量成長逾4成,2013年6月成長率達高峰52%,之後開始下滑,近期成長率只剩下5~10%。 

此外,蘋果業績大好,也反映在供應商財報上,面板供應商樂金顯示器(LG Display,LGD)昨公布上季營業利益創4年新高6258億韓元(180億台幣)。記憶體供應商SK海力士上季營業利益也更激增1倍以上,創歷史新高1.7兆韓元(490億台幣)。 

As a business that makes a lot of extremely popular smartphones, Apple has become used to generating telephone-number size profits too. But the world’s largest company by market capitalisation has just delivered a record-breaking set of results that took even seasoned telecoms analysts by surprise http://econ.st/1LfYCRu

Apple made a whopping $18 billion profit in the three months to December 27th 2014, the largest quarterly profit ever reported by a public company. The key to its success is the iPhone, which now accounts for some two-thirds of Apple’s revenue. The company sold the equivalent of 34,000 iPhones an hour, 24 hours a day, in its latest quarter, bringing the total purchased during the period to 74.5 million http://econ.st/1EpPvvB

AS A business that makes a lot of extremely popular smartphones, Apple has become used to generating telephone-number size profits too. But the world’s largest...

