
2012年9月5日 星期三

Louboutin shoes' red sole trademark 賓館/酒店/旅館*大飯店顧客服務.....

今晨作:臺大歷史學術通訊, 臺大歷史系電子報,=臺大歷史學術通訊, 臺大歷史系電子報, 臺大中文學報,中國文學研究 , 國立臺灣大學《文史叢刊》.. “中文學報”創刊於1985年上面說慶祝臺大四十周年校慶 21世紀 台大承認日治時代的校史

高雄吳榮東先生買"管理三部曲" "第四代管理""系統與變異"等書。

郵局寄書時,幫某美國女士談如何給上海某旅社回郵, 好讓他們可以回寄她遺留的東西。因為中國無法使用台灣郵票, 所以現在雙方通郵還是ONE-WAY, 必須買匯票等,不過,郵局的人不知道多少錢.....所以那女士敗興而歸…. (比較: 20年前,我將領帶放在香港某Marriot 旅館,他們免費寄回台灣給我) 。

大妹給故事 我寫 Michael Jordan 今晨再到她兒女的Blogs (3月後): 胖子和小肥/小亨利


Court protects Louboutin shoes' red sole trademark

By Larry Neumeister, Associated Press
Updated 10h 42m ago

NEW YORK – The distinctive red soles of Christian Louboutin shoes are entitled to trademark protection, even if the company can't exactly call the color its own, a U.S. appeals court said Wednesday.

Leslie Smith, Jr., USA T
The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals reversed a lower court judge who had ruled against the French maker of luxury shoes worn by stars such as Sarah Jessica Parker, Scarlett Johansson and Halle Berry. The shoes sell for up to $1,000 a pair.
The appeals court said Louboutin was entitled to protect its brand against red-soled shoes made by competitor Yves Saint Laurent S.A.S., which is also based in Paris. The court, though, instructed the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to limit registration of the trademark to situations in which the red-lacquered sole contrasts in color with the adjoining upper part of the shoe.
In 2008, the trademark office granted protection to Louboutin, which has applied glossy vivid red to the soles of women's shoes since 1992. The shoes sell for up to $1,000 a pair.
A U.S. District judge went too far in August 2011, when he ruled that a single color can never serve as a trademark in the fashion industry, the appeals court said.
The court said Louboutin's bright red sole had acquired limited secondary meaning as a distinctive symbol that identifies the Louboutin brand. It noted that the U.S. Bureau of Customs and Border Protection had recently seized more than 20,000 counterfeit Louboutin shoes illegally shipped to the United States.
Still, the appeals court noted, for instance, that Yves Saint Laurent's use of a red sole on monochromatic red shoes does not infringe on Louboutin's trademark.
"It is the contrast between the sole and the upper that causes the sole to 'pop,' and to distinguish its creator," the court wrote.
A Louboutin lawyer, Harley Lewin, said: "Louboutin is enormously pleased that its central arguments, that indeed a single color can and does serve as a trademark in the fashion industry and perhaps even more importantly, that its Red Sole trademark is valid and enforceable and will remain so, have been confirmed as correct."
Attorney David H. Bernstein for Yves Saint Laurent praised the ruling as "a total victory for us," since the company will be able to continue making all-red shoes.
"They brought this case to stop us from making these shoes and they lost," he said. "Our client has the right to continue to do what it has always done."
In a statement, Yves Saint Laurent rejected Louboutin's claims that it was trying to imitate its competitor's color scheme, saying it was "a venerated fashion house with the utmost in creative talent and has no need to trade on the goodwill of other brands." It said it has featured red and other colored soles since the 1970s.
The appeals court found support for its reasoning in a 1985 appeals ruling in favor of a fiberglass manufacturer who sought a trademark on the pink color of its residential insulation material and in a 1995 Supreme Court decision protecting the green-gold color of a dry cleaning press pad.
In that ruling, the Supreme Court concluded that "color alone, at least sometimes, can meet the basic legal requirements for use as a trademark. It can act as a symbol that distinguishes a firm's goods and identifies their source, without serving any other significant function."

「赤い靴底はルブタンのもの」 米連邦高裁で商標権認定

 赤いソール(靴底)で知られるフランスの靴ブランド「クリスチャン・ルブタン」が、「イヴ・サンローラン」に対して「赤いソール」を使わないよう求めた 訴訟で、米連邦高裁は5日、赤いソールがルブタンの「商標権」の対象となりうるとの判断を示した。AP通信などが伝えた。
 後ろ姿にちらつくソールの赤がルブタンの特徴で、レディー・ガガさんら著名人にも人気がある。高裁は、ハイヒールなどのデザインや色づかいと対比させる ルブタンの赤いソールを、「商標として保護されるに値する」とした。ただ、全体が赤いサンローランの靴は赤いソールを使うことができると判断。販売差し止 めの対象とはならない、とした。

