
2012年3月12日 星期一

Much ado about Shakespeare 台灣相關的書可能近5本


Much ado about Shakespeare

Business schools do not always act on their own advice, but Warwick Business School in the UK is now diversifying, being entrepreneurial and tapping into its creativity, all at the same time.

商学院通常不会按照自己的建议行事,但英国华威商学院(Warwick Business School)目前正同时做三件事情:实现多样化、变得具有创业精神,并利用自身的创造性。

It is using its established online technology to help high-school teachers interpret Shakespeare’s plays through a partnership with another local not-for-profit business: the Royal Shakespeare Company.

该学校正利用其成熟的在线技术,通过与当地另一家非盈利机构英国皇家莎士比亚剧团(Royal Shakespeare Company)合作,帮助中学老师理解莎士比亚(Shakespeare)戏剧。

From September, teachers of English literature from San Francisco to Sydney will be able to study how to teach the Bard’s work through an online network set up by the RSC education unit in Stratford-upon-Avon, 15 miles from Warwick. “It gives the RSC the ability to reach out to literature teachers around the world,” says dean Mark Taylor.

从9月份开始,从旧金山到悉尼的英语文学老师都将可以通过设在莎士比亚故乡 Stratford-upon-Avon的英国皇家莎士比亚剧团教育部门创建的在线网络,学习如何教授莎士比亚的作品。Stratford-upon- Avon距离华威商学院15英里。院长马克•泰勒(Mark Taylor)表示:“这让英国皇家莎士比亚剧团可以接触到全世界的文学老师。”

A few years ago it was all the rage for MBA courses to extract themes from Shakespeare’s plays to highlight specific management styles – teaching leadership through Henry V’s “Once more unto the breach, dear friends” speech was deemed just the thing for re-energising flagging troops, both military and corporate. But in this instance, the business school’s role is all about the technology, which has proved its efficacy in the online version of the Warwick MBA, which has 2,500 enrolled students.

几年前,对于MBA课程而言,从莎士比亚的戏剧中提炼主题,来强调某种管理风格,完全是一种时 尚:通过亨利五世(Henry V)的演说“再向那个缺口冲一次,亲爱的朋友们”教授领导才能,被视为仅仅是为了重振士气,既包括军事领域也包括企业。但在这个例子里,华威商学院的角色 只关乎科技,事实已证明,这在华威商学院在线MBA课程中是有效的,该课程的注册学生为2500人。

Most importantly for the RSC, the technology helps them achieve scale, says Jacqui O’Hanlon, director of education at the RSC. “It means we can enable more people to have access to the work we do. [Reaching scale] is a conundrum for [all] the creative world.”

英国皇家莎士比亚剧团教育部门主管雅基•欧汉伦(Jacqui O’Hanlon)表示,对于该剧团而言,最为重要的是,这项技术帮助他们实现了规模。“这意味着,我们能够让更多人体验我们的工作。‘实现规模’是(所有)创意世界的一个难题。”

Today the RSC runs face-to-face courses for 25 teachers at a time in one of its rehearsal rooms. Within three years the new partnership plans for 1,000 teachers a year to be trained using the online programme. Prof Taylor is confident: “I think that’s a really conservative estimate”. And with 64m students around the world studying Shakespeare, the attraction of the partnership is easy to see.

如今,英国皇家莎士比亚剧团会在他们的一间排练室里,每次为25名老师进行面对面的授课。这一 新的合作项目计划在3年内利用在线课程每年培训1000名老师。泰勒教授满怀信心地说:“我认为,这是一个非常保守的估计”。全球有6400万学生在学习 莎士比亚,不难看出这一合作项目的吸引力。

In the face-to-face classes, teachers work with RSC actors and instructors to explore active strategies they can use in the classroom. The teaching is based on what happens in those same rehearsal rooms when actors are working on a production, says Ms O’Hanlon.


“What you get is a group of people who know that play. They have the knowledge in their bones and they take that into the classroom.”


Although Ms O’Hanlon has become a convert to the online platform during the 18 months of discussions about the courses, she says there are still more things they need to explore. However, the RSC has already recorded 30 hours of creative practice on film, which will form the heart of the entry-level course.


“You have to work with the text to bring it alive. It takes a lot of highly creative approaches to the text, which breathe life into it.”


The chosen text for the first course is Romeo and Juliet, one of Shakespeare’s most popular classroom plays. Tutors then work with individuals and groups online to apply the principles of teaching and learning to a fresh text. The problem, says Ms O’Hanlon, is to ensure that Shakespeare’s works feel alive and current. “It’s not like teaching a novel. It’s not Dickens.”

第一节课所选的课本,是莎士比亚最受欢迎的课堂戏剧之一《罗密欧与朱丽叶》(Romeo and Juliet)。指导老师会与个人和小组在线合作,将授课与学习的原则应用于崭新的课本。欧汉伦表示,问题是要确保让莎士比亚的作品有活力且现代。“这不 像是教授一部小说。这不是狄更斯(Dickens)。”

Initial short courses will cost from £850, but teachers can take longer courses, even masters degrees, which take up to four years to complete and are awarded by Warwick University. Although the partnership between the university and the theatre company is for-profit, programmes are priced to cover costs rather than make a huge surplus.


Discussions are under way to involve Warwick MBA students in the project, says Jonothan Neelands, chair of creative education at WBS.

华威商学院创新教育系主任乔纳森•尼兰德兹(Jonothan Neelands)表示,让华威商学院MBA学生参与这一计划的相关谈判正在进行中。

“The need for creativity is as great in business as it is in artistry,” he argues. “We thought it [the RSC project] would be a living example of what the business school stood for. It’s a positive response to the times we live in.”


As for Prof Taylor, the relationship with the RSC is personal as well as professional. While a visiting scholar at the International Monetary Fund, Prof Taylor, an economist, studied for a part-time masters degree in English, focusing on Shakespeare’s little-performed play King John. Indeed, the dissertation he wrote on the staging of the work has become the benchmark on the subject and referenced by the RSC.

泰勒教授认为,与英国皇家莎士比亚剧团的关系既有私心也是职业需要。尽管身为国际货币基金组织 (IMF)的访问学者,但经济学家泰勒教授曾副修过英语硕士学位,研究莎士比亚几乎没有被推上舞台的戏剧《约翰王》(King John)。实际上,他撰写的有关这部作品的表演的学位论文,已成为这一题目的基准,而且还成为英国皇家莎士比亚剧团的参考文献。


