
2009年4月16日 星期四


事公司(PepsiCo Inc.)週一對可口可樂(Coca-Cola Co.)提起訴訟﹐稱可口可樂運動飲料Powerade ION 4的廣告歪曲百事Gatorade飲料的功能。


百事的訴狀指出﹐Powerade ION 4本身這兩種電解質的含量還不到成人推薦攝入量的0.5%﹐而且沒有跡象表明它們改善了飲料的品質。bPepsiCo Inc. sued Coca-Cola Co. Monday, claiming that Coke is running advertisements for Powerade ION 4 sports drinks that misrepresent the effectiveness of Pepsi's Gatorade.

The ads cited in the lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court in New York by a Pepsi unit, are currently running in print, on billboards, in store displays and on a relaunched Web site. They say that Gatorade, which holds about an 80% share of the U.S. sports-drink market, is 'missing' two key electrolytes, calcium and magnesium.

Pepsi's lawsuit claims Powerade ION4's own levels of those electrolytes represent less than 0.5% of the recommended dietary intake for adults, and there is no evidence that they improve the beverage.

In its complaint, Pepsi claims Coke's advertising harms Gatorade's 44-year-old brand, especially as the image of a half-bottle of Gatorade labeled 'incomplete' is juxtaposed with a 'beauty shot' of Powerade ION4.

'The truth is scientists say there is no evidence that Powerade ION4 is a more complete sports drink than Gatorade,' a Pepsi spokesman said.

Pepsi asked that the ads stop immediately, especially as 'the biggest selling season for sports drinks is beginning.'

Coke said the company stands behind its product and is 'prepared to defend the role that Powerade plays in hydrating consumers.'

Pepsi and Coke have routinely challenged each other in court. In 2006, Pepsi sued Coke over its television ads for Powerade Option, a low-calorie sports drink. Coke settled out of court. In 2007, a federal judge dismissed a Coke lawsuit that charged Pepsi with patent infringement on a collapsible bag that dispenses syrup for fountain sodas.

Valerie Bauerlein

百事在起訴書中稱﹐可口可樂的廣告損害了已有44歷史的Gatorade品牌﹐特別是廣告中將一個貼有“不足”標簽的半瓶Gatorade的圖像與Powerade ION4的“特寫”形像並列在一起﹐這種做法的損害尤其嚴重。




百事和可口可樂互相將對方訴諸法庭已是家常便飯。2006年﹐百事起訴可口可樂低熱運動飲料Powerade Option的電視廣告。可口可樂後在法庭外達成和解。2007年﹐可口可樂指控百事用於蘇打水糖漿的折疊袋侵犯了它的專利﹐被聯邦法官駁回。

Valerie Bauerleinbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb

