
2008年2月27日 星期三

Siemens Plans to Cut Up to 7,000 Jobs

德国经济 | 2008.02.26


今天,全球电气电子巨头——德国西门子在其总部慕尼黑正式宣布,决定出售它旗下的“西门子企业通汛部门”(SEN)(以下简称“西门子通讯”)。此举也意 味着,这个大型康采恩将在世界范围内裁员3800人。而仅在德国,就牵涉到近2000个工作岗位。除此之外,还有3000名员工将会通过出售或并入伙伴企 业的方式离开西门子,其中有1200名都是德国员工。

此次出售“西门子通讯”的裁员决定,在 德国主要涉及慕尼黑总部的约1700名员工。而位于德国东部“音乐城”莱比锡的“西门子通讯”工厂也会随之被解散,它自身拥有的约530名员工将被出售或 者“与第三方协商解决办法”。在希腊塞萨洛尼基(Thessaloniki)和巴西库里蒂巴(Curitiba)的“西门子通讯”制造厂也会遭受同样命 运。


在此次出售前,西门子就下了决心,一定要将裁员 改组的措施明朗化,并要掌控在自己手中,以免上次向明基出售手机部门终遭破产的悲剧再次上演。西门子财政负责人乔•凯瑟(Joe Kaeser)表示,“有关这次对西门子通讯(SEN)的提前改组及其与之相关的企业整顿流程,我们都将会在西门子自己能控制的情况下开始进行;并且我们 保证,为随之而来的人员安置所采取的举措将会尽可能的在社会可承受范围内推行。”




尽管如此,西门子的此项裁员计划却为德国金属工 业工会(IG Metall)所诟病,被指责为缺乏责任心。巴伐利州的工会主席维尔讷•诺伊格鲍尔(Werner Neugebauer)批评说,“至今都还缺乏一个行之有效的总体计划纲领,但雇员们却都做好谈判的准备。我们希望,西门子能够吸取上次它向明基出售手机 部门时的惨痛教训”。


Siemens Plans to Cut Up to 7,000 Jobs

Published: February 26, 2008

Siemens plans on Tuesday to announce that it intends to eliminate up to 7,000 jobs, or 40 percent of the workers in its troubled business telecommunications unit in Germany and Brazil, as it seeks a buyer for the business, a person with direct knowledge of the situation said.

Executives were to disclose the plans for the unit, Siemens Enterprise Communications, which makes corporate phone networks, at a meeting with representatives of the workers’ council in Munich.

According to the person, who spoke on condition of anonymity, executives will announce plans to cut up to 4,000 jobs in the unit, which employs 17,500, and advise the worker representatives that a further 3,000 jobs could be transferred into ventures with new business partners.

The layoffs could occur in Leipzig, Germany, and in Brazil, where Siemens has factories that produce phones and corporate communications networks, the person said. About half of the 4,000 layoffs will be in Germany, this person added.

Peter Löscher, the chief executive of Siemens, has said he wants to sell or find an investment partner for the entire business by June. Plans for the job cuts were first reported Monday in The Financial Times Deutschland.

The corporate telecommunications business was first prepared for a potential sale in 2005, as part of a reorganization. Last year, Siemens put the largest part of that business, a unit that sold network equipment to phone operators, into Nokia Siemens Networks, a joint venture with Nokia of Finland, the market leader in cellphone manufacturing.

But it has so far been unable to find a buyer for the rest of the business, formerly called Siemens Enterprise Networks, which makes products like the Siemens Gigaset for business.

