
2008年1月7日 星期一


This is the Selexyz Dominicanen圖, a bookstore that’s been built into a beautiful ex-church in the city of Masstracht, Netherlands.


Through the lens: View from the upper floors at Selexyz Dominicanen

Posted Wednesday, January 10th, 2007

Selexyz Dominicanen, photograph: Sueli Brodin

On my first visit to Selexyz Dominicanen, Maastricht’s new magnificent bookstore, the upper floors had not been opened to the public yet. Now they are, and here’s what they look like. The frescoes on the church ceiling can also better be admired from there! [more photographs…]

Lessons From an Earthquake For Japan's Junkudo

Word Count: 1,287

Early on the morning of Jan. 17, 1995, Yatsutaka Kudo, president and owner of the Junkudo Co. bookstore chain, was jolted awake by the earthquake that devastated the western Japanese city of Kobe and killed more than 6,000 people. He rushed through the debris to get to Kobe's three Junkudo stores, known for the breadth of academic titles they carried, only to find that the first two stores he had opened in the city had been destroyed.

Undaunted, he vowed to reopen just two weeks later. "It just occurred to me. I didn't think much about that decision," Mr. Kudo ...

1963 神戸・元町本通りにて創業、社名株式会社大同書房 1976 神戸・三宮センター街に本社移転、 社名をジュンク堂書店とする

だいどう 0 【大同】


三省堂提供「大辞林 第二版」より凡例はこちら

1995 阪神淡路大震災により神戸地区が壊滅状態になるも、相次いで復興オープン(2月~12月)

